Saturday, 3 July 2021

Interfaith Centre proffers solution to insecurity

The Interfaith Centre, Kaduna has said that to end insecurity in Nigeria, Christians and Muslims must sincerely unite to be able to fight the common enemy causing the loss of lives and the destruction of property.

The forum stressed the need for leaders of both Christians and Muslims to preach peace to their followers as a way to unite them to abstain from evil practices that could ensure the unity and progress of the country.

A communique issued by the Interfaith Co-executive Directors, Rev. Dr. James Movel Wuye and Imam Dr. Muhammad Nurayn Ashafa, at a meeting with journalists in Kaduna also urged the government of the day to be proactive in dealing with issues that affect the common man in the country.

To ensure the presence of security personnel in all nooks and crannies of the country, the meeting agreed that more Nigerians should be recruited to ensure full coverage of the country to be able to avert any unrest in any part of the country.

On farmers/Fulani clashes in parts of the country, the meeting stated that the federal and state governments must agree on ranching as the only solution to curb the continuous clashes between Fulani herdsmen and farmers.

The meeting noted that both Fulani herdsmen and farmers are into farming and should work together for the overall interest of one another as a way of enhancing the economic growth of the country.

The participants lamented the influx of arms in the country, saying that it is a bad omen as any slightest provocation could lead to the loss of lives and massive destruction of property.

Speaking on the recent student unrest in Kaduna state following the increase of school fees, the meeting called on the government to critically look into the situation as most families are going through difficult times and come up with modalities that will enable the children of the downtrodden to continue with education to the highest level.

The meeting called on Nigerians to be their brother’s keepers in all spheres of life as a way of identifying bad elements in the country.

Interfaith Centre proffers solution to insecurity

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