Sunday, 1 May 2016

Welcome To myUNICEFSPICexams!!

This scholarship was conceived and also actualized in last year’s summer world education congress (WEC)  held in San Francisco, This event witness elite, governmental and non-governmental organization and creams of intellectual all around the world.
SPIC in a session gave an elaborate need of giving scholarship grant to undergraduate students in Africa as a means of promoting effective learning, which is also one of the goals of UNICEF in promoting child education especially the female child.
This proposal gained general acceptance and also witness a tremendous number of sponsors, We are pleased to inform all applicants of this scholarship that UNICEF is not the direct organization that funds this scholarship but our partner Special Petroleum Intervention Corporation (SPIC) is the major sponsor of this scholarship.
This scholarship scheme/ award is intended to only five countries in Africa; Libya , Egypt, Algeria, Angola and Nigeria, where ten thousand undergraduate students from each country will be awarded the sum of  1000$ and a laptop to aid and facilitate learning. Only one person from each nuclear or elementary family is allowed to apply for this scholarship..

Click here for full details on application procedure.

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1 Response to "Welcome To myUNICEFSPICexams!!"

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