The Joint Admissions and Matriculation Board, JAMB, has urged candidates to reprint their 2021 Unified Tertiary Matriculation Examination, UTME mock notification slip.
JAMB’s Director of Press, Dr. Fabian Benjamin said the new mock notification slip was ready for printing.
Benjamin said the reprint was consequent to the change of date for the mock exercise earlier scheduled for Thursday, 20th May 2021 but would now hold on Thursday, 3rd June 2021.
In a statement, Benjamin said the new slip would carry the new date of the examination.
He said, “Candidates who had registered for the 2021 Unified Tertiary Matriculation Examination and indicated interest to sit the optional mock examination are to REPRINT their mock notification slips.
“It is imperative to reprint as the new slip will have the new date.
“As disclosed earlier, the optional mock notification slips can be printed from anywhere that candidates find convenient provided they have internet access.”
The JAMB spokesman said candidates should visit the JAMB website for directions.
He added: “To print the slip, candidates are to visit the website, click on e-facility and print their slips. The slip contains the candidates’ details such as registration number and, most importantly, the centre at which they are to sit the examination within their chosen examination town and the expected time to be at the centre.
“Candidates need to print their slips and study the contents to know the location of their centres as some candidates do not read the instructions on their slips only for them to be looking for the name of their examination town instead of their examination centre on the day of the exercise.”
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